
The Birth Story
On Friday 12/26/03 at 10:15am I went in to my OB’s office for
my 38-week checkup appointment. Due to my grade 3 placenta they again
did a biophysical profile ultrasound and non-stress test. The baby looked
good. Still had plenty of fluid around him and the tech said he probably
weighed about 6 lbs 13 oz. I had a really stupid nurse who said my blood
pressure was high (but I didn’t think much of it, cause its never
been high before). She left me hooked up to the monitor (non-stress test)
for over an hour without telling my dr. that I was there. While hooked
up to the monitor, the baby’s heart rate was really good, and I
was having contractions, but there was no regularity to them. Finally
saw the dr. and she said I was about 70% effaced and about a fingertip
dilated. She also took my blood pressure about 3 times and it came up
super high. I think the highest was 138/100. This got me sent over to
labor and delivery at the hospital at around 12:30.
They hooked me back up to the monitor and started taking
my blood pressure at regular intervals. Also drew some blood and made
me leave another urine sample. My blood pressure was back to normal
so the concern there was gone. My dr. came in and said she was concerned
about my platelet count. She said at the beginning of my pregnancy
it was 267 and when I had it done again in the middle it had dropped
a little to 218. Now in the hospital it was 112, which really concerned
her. So I had to stay in the hospital overnight and do a 24 hour urine
test and have my blood pressure checked all night and my platelets
checked again in the morning. On Saturday 12/27/03 I had my blood drawn
at 6am, platelets were 108. The dr. came in and decided to go ahead
and induce me the following morning after they had put cervidil cream
on to soften up my cervix overnight. She felt with my falling platelets,
a bunch of my blood pressures being high, and the grade 3 placenta
that it was time to go ahead and deliver and I was already full term.
At 4pm they took more blood and my platelets had dropped even more
to 98. The dr. decided to not bother with the cervidil and went ahead
and started the pitocin at 6:10pm, she was worried about my falling
platelet count and said there was no reason to delay the birth by
12 hours. I lasted until 11:00pm before I asked for the epidural. After
that I was a much happier camper. Dr. came in and checked me at 11:30
and I was still only 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Sunday 12/28/03
at 2:00am the dr. broke my water and I was about 2 cm dilated. At 2:45am
I was 3 cm dilated and 100% effaced. The dr. tickled the top of the
baby’s head and as numb as I was from the epidural I could feel
him moving around. They put in a catheter since I couldn’t feel
my legs enough to get up to pee. Somewhere between 4-6:30, I lost my
mucus plug. I started to feel a couple of slight contractions. Nothing
painful, just some tightening and very slight crampy feeling on my
lower right abdomen. At 7:10am the nurse checked me and I was fully
dilated to 10 cm and I was at 0 station. By 8:00am I started pushing.
We stopped a few times, they said to give me and the baby a little
break, but I think it was because the baby’s heart rate was dropping
to low when I was having contractions. After 2 hours of pushing, the
dr. decided to use the vacuum. The baby wasn’t coming down, even
with all the hard pushing, and his heart rate was dropping, so she
said it was time to get the baby out. At 10:04am with the help of the
suction little Alex made his first appearance into the world. He weighed
6 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. Jamie got to cut the cord, but we
didn’t get to hold him right away. He was completely white like
snow, so they took him over to the baby table and rubbed him and gave
him oxygen. He still hadn’t cried and doctors from the NICU came
in. They said he wasn’t pinking up and they wanted to take him
to the NICU. They put him on my chest for about a split second and
then took him away. It was extremely scary, there was about 10 people
in the room working on him and myself. The hospital staff were initially
concerned about his circulation, heart rate, and breathing. However,
after a few hours in the NICU he had gotten a nice healthy color to
him and his heart rate was perfect. They decided to keep him there
though just for observation. We were able to visit with him and hold
him. Overnight his oxygen level and heart rate had dipped below the
acceptable level and the doctors were worried about apnea, acidosis,
and anemia. They kept him in the NICU for 3 days but he never had another
episode. I was discharged on Tuesday 12/30/03 and Alex was finally
released on Wednesday 12/31/03. During the time he was in the NICU
we were able to visit with him and hold him and feed him. We now have
a perfect healthy beautiful baby boy!
